How to deploy Apache Axis2 on Resin and JBoss application servers
Axis2 can be deployed very easily on most of the application servers. Lets see how we can deploy axis2 on JBoss and Resin application servers. Deploying Axis2 on Resin application server 1. Download and install Resin from here 2. Download Axi2.war 3. Copy axis2.war to RESIN_HOME/webapps (i.e:- D:\resin-3.1.6\webapps) 4. Start Resin server Go to RESIN_HOME/lib and enter the following command to start the server java -jar resin.jar start 5. Open a browser and issue http://localhost:8080/axis2 Axis2 welcome page will be displayed. 6. Verify the status of installation. Click on 'Validate' link. You should see the following 'Axis2 Happiness' page. Deploying Axis2 on JBoss 1. Download JBoss (I used JBoss 4.2.2 GA but the same procedure can be applied for any version) 2. Download Axi2.war 3. Copy axis2.war to JBOSS_HOME/server/default/deploy 4. Start JBoss (Just execute JBOSS_HOME/bin/run.bat or 5. Jboss will explode and deploy Axis2 when starting the server. Explo