
Showing posts from January, 2012

SOAP message correlation with JMeter Beanshell pre-processor

When testing service oriented solutions, it is often required to correlate SOAP or POX messages with each other. For example, first you may need to talk to one particular web service and get the response back. Then you will need to extract some properties from the response and include them in subsequent requests. In these situations, you cannot just send the SOAP messages to the web service. In other words, you should do some preprocessing before doing the second service call. Apache Jmeter provides you with Pre-Processor elements to handle these types of requirements. In this post, we will look into one of the useful pre-processor element, Bean Shell PreProcessor We will do a simple echo web service call first and extract the response value to a user defined variable. Then, we will use Bean Shell PreProcessor to modify the second SOAP request . Step 1 Start Jmeter and create a new test plan. Add two SOAP/XML-RPC request samplers. Add the following request for one sampler. N

Truly RESTful Services using Apache Wink and WSO2 Application Server

Apache Wink is a complete implementation of JAX-RS v-1.1 specification. JAX-RS is a java API which supports creating web services in RESTful manner. WSO2 Application Server is the enterprise-ready, scalable web services and web app hosting platform powered by Apache Axis2 and Apache Tomcat. In this post, we are going to create a RESTful web service using Apache wink libraries and deploy it in WSO2 Application Server. If we summarize the steps that we are going to do in this example; 1. Create a JDBC data source (mySQL) 2. Create the web service with JAX-RS annotations which makes use of the above database 3. Create a web application (war) with apache wink libraries 4. Deploy the web app in WSO2 Application Server WSO2 provides application developers with a complete middleware platform in cloud. Therefore, we makes use of WSO2 StratosLive PaaS (Platform as a Service) as our development platform. In other words, we are NOT even going to install mySQL or WSO2 Applica

SOAP with HTTP basic auth using Apache JMeter

SOAP/XML-RPC request sampler of Apache Jmeter can be used to send SOAP requests to a web service. We looked into the details of SOAP/XML-RPC sampler in a previous blog post . If the web service is secured, we cannot directly send messages using the above sampler. This post will help you to use Jmeter in web service testing if the service is secured using HTTP basic authorization. If a web service is secured using HTTP basic authorization, the authorization credentials are carried over HTTP headers of the message. The security information is not coupled with the SOAP envelope. Therefore, the same procedure which we are going to discuss below can be applied to any other sampler in Jmeter. Step 1: Have a web service secured with HTTP basic authentication. I use Apache Axis2 as the web service container and deploy it on Apache Tomcat. Then use the tomcat authorization to secure any service hosted in Axis2 As explained by Prabath in here . If the service is secured with HTTP basic auth,