Apache JMeter book is published

There are no much books available on test automation and tools. In order to fill the void in the software testing bibliography, Emily H. Halili decided to put together the basic concepts of test automation and performance testing with JMeter.
This book was designed to pave the path for readers to get detailed insight on JMeter as well as a basic reference guide. I was the technical reviewer of this book. It consists of 140 pages and 8 chapters, starts with a short introductory chapter on advantages of test automation and requirements of automated tests.
Chapter 2 focuses on an overview of JMeter followed by setting up environment and installation.
Chapter 4, The Test Plan shows you all the parts of JMeter test plan. It explains all elements of test plan and how they interact together.
Use of Jmeter in load/performance testing is demonstrated in chapter 5. In chapter 6, you will get information on the tools in JMeter that support functional or regression testing.
Chapter 7 and 8 describe some advanced topics such as database servers, using regular expressions etc..

One of the many beuties of JMeter is that you don't need to have prior programming skills to use it, making JMeter one of the most popular open source testing tools in the testing community.
This book will definitely help testers as well as programmers, project managers to get better understainding on JMeter.
The book is an easy read and you should be able to complete most of the demos within very short time. I'm proud to be the reviewer of this book and I'd recommend this as a must-have item in book shelves of any QA/test engineer.
For more information, please visit Packt publisher's website.


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