New look of WSO2 WSAS SOAP Message Tracer
Soap Tracer may not be a strange tool if you are familiar with WSO2 Web Services application server (WSAS). However, you will notice a new look and improved graphical representation of SOAP messages in Soap Tracer shipped with WSAS 3.0.
You will experience the difference with the newly released WSAS-3.0-beta1
- Download and unzip the binary distribution
- Log in to management console with user name and password, admin/admin
- Select Soap Message Tracer in the left menu
- Change the status to ON
- Invoke a service (Simply run tryit with the default HelloService)
- Go back to Soap Message Tracer and see the request and soap messages
You will experience the difference with the newly released WSAS-3.0-beta1
- Download and unzip the binary distribution
- Log in to management console with user name and password, admin/admin
- Select Soap Message Tracer in the left menu
- Change the status to ON
- Invoke a service (Simply run tryit with the default HelloService)
- Go back to Soap Message Tracer and see the request and soap messages