Adding BPEL features to WSO2 WSAS/ESB

A few days back, WSO2 has released carbon feature packs which allow users to integrate various functional components into their existing WSO2 products. I blogged about plugging in service hosting components into ESB while we were preparing for carbon release. With the carbon feature packs, now it is much more easier to add the functionalities what you want.

WSO2 BPS provides the facilities to execute business processes written using the WS-BPEL standard. BPEL feature pack enables the business process management inside your WSO2 WSAS or ESB instances.
Let's see how BPEL features can be added to WSO2 WSAS or ESB.

Install WSO2 WSAS-3.0.1 or WSO2 ESB-2.0.1

Step 1
We are hoping to install BPEL features into WSAS or ESB. Therefore, download BPEL feature pack from here.

Step 2
Unzip the downloaded feature pack into a directory in your file system (suppose it is $BPEL_feature_pack_home)
You will see two sub directoris inside the extracted zip file, plugins and repository.

Go to $BPEL_feature_pack_home/plugins/ directory and copy all the jars to WSAS_HOME/webapps/ROOT/WEB-INF/plugins/ directory. (WSAS_HOME is the root directory of your WSO2 WSAS instance)

Then, go to $BPEL_feature_pack_home/repository directory and copy the contents to WSAS_HOME/repository.

Step 3
Restart WSO2 WSAS and access management console. You will see the BPEL features shown in the left menu as follows.

Thats it. We have installed BPEL features into WSAS. You could follow the same steps to install BPEL features into WSO2 ESB.


Bacardi said…

I'm trying to install BPEL features on WSAS 3.1.3. on WSAS_HOME, the plugin folder contains 3 subfolders: commmon, console and server. I tried copying the jars to the root of plugin, and into those 3 folders, but the BPEL functionalities never show up.

Can you help me with this, please?
Thanks in advance

Charitha said…
In WSAS-3.1.3, you do not need to manually copy the jiras, Equinox P2 based provisioning will do it for you. It is very simple now.

1. Start WSAS with wso2server.bat -DosgiConsole
2. After the server get started, press enter, you will get Osgi Console.
3. Then Issue the following commands



provinstall 2.0.3

4. Restart the server.

Thats all

Unknown said…
Hello Charitha,
I'm trying to install BPEL features on wso2esb-3.0.0.

I've followed your instructions from the last post and when the server restarted it threw two exceptions:

- The first one: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The bundle could not be resolved. Reason: Package uses conflict: Import-Package: org.wso2.carbon.core.util; version="0.0.0"

- And the second one: java.lang.ClassCastException: cannot be cast to org.apache.axis2.engine.MessageReceiver

After restarted, the interface include a the new "business Processes" section in the menu, but when one of these new options is selected, many exceptions are thrown and the interface shows a empty page.

Please, ¿could tell me what is wrong?
¿Are wso2esb-3.0.0 and 2.0.3

Thanks in advance
Charitha said…
Hi Adolfo,
This blogpost is not applicable for WSO2 ESB-3.0.0. In WSO2 ESB-3.0.0, you can easily add BPEL features by accessing the feature manager UI. Just log in to management console using https://localhost:9443/carbon and click on "features" at the left menu. Then select "Add repository" and add "" as the URL. After adding the repository, search for BPEL feature in "Available Features" tab and install it.
Please let me know, if you encounter any issues.
Unknown said…

I have accessed the feature manager UI and I have added the repository but BPEL is not included in the available features list.

Is there any new version of the repository?

Unknown said…
Hi Charitha,
I followed yours instructions

"In WSO2 ESB-3.0.0, you can easily add BPEL features by accessing the feature manager UI. Just log in to management console using https://localhost:9443/carbon and click on "features" at the left menu. Then select "Add repository" and add "" as the URL. After adding the repository, search for BPEL feature in "Available Features" tab and install it."

But in WSO2 ESB I have the same problems of Adolfo and I can't deploy any BPEL.

When I used the rep.
I hadn't any problems and BPEL
deployment was correct (now thi rep. is offline).

Thanks in advance.
Unknown said…
When I try to deploy a BPEL I obtaion this ERROR:

[2010-09-21 12:26:09,687] ERROR - BPELPackageManagementServiceSkeleton Failed to
get BPEL process store from axisconfig.

rulix batistil said…

I am using wso2esb-3.0.1 version and add the BPEL features in the UI.

However when I restarted the esb server, I got osgi and eclipse related exceptions below

org.osgi.framework.BundleException: The state indicates the bundle is resolved at org.eclipse.osgi.framework.internal.core.AbstractBundle.getResolution FailureException(

Could you help me fix this issue?


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