Back in blogosphere

I have been away from blogging for more than 2 months. Many of the readers of this blog, asked me if I stopped writing or what. The last few months were hectic due to a many reasons. First, I moved to Bloomington, a beautiful small town in Indiana, USA from my home country, Sri Lanka. Thus, I had to focus on many initial settlement stuff which allowed me very little time to scan through my blog. Next, I had to spend time on adjusting to the totally new environment specially crazy coldness in here.
I believe I'm back in business now. As the tag line of this blog says, "no nonsense", only SOA and testing. Therefore, I'm not going to write about what is happening around me. I will continue sticking to the objective of this blog. Helping at least one person who is stuck figuring out an answer for a problem related to Service-Oriented architecture, enterprise integration or software testing. 


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