How to Deploy Apache Axis2 on IBM WebSphere

As I mentioned in a previous post, the flexible deployment mechanism of Axis2 allows you to install it on any application server with minimum configuration effort.
Lets see how Axis2 can be deployed on IBM WebSphere.

Download and install IBM WebSphere 6.1
Create a profile as specified in the WebSphere installation steps

I will use Axis2-1.4 and WebSphere6.1 for demonstration purposes. But you should be fine with the other versions too.

Step 1
Download Axis2.war from here

Step 2
Start WebSphere server (In windows XP menu All programs--> IBM WebSphere-->Application Server 6.1 --> profiles --> YourProfile -->Start the Server)

Wait until start window closes.


Access WebSphere administration console
(In windows XP menu All programs--> IBM WebSphere-->Application Server 6.1 --> profiles --> YourProfile-->Administrative Console)

Log in to administration console (You should have configured username and password for admin console when creating WebSphere profile)

Step 4

In the left navigation menu of the WebSphere administrative console, select Install New Application
Enter the path of the Axis2.war file (Browse for axis2.war in your file system)
Enter 'axis2' as the context root for application (See the image below) and click on 'Next'

Step 5

In the Select installation options page, keep the default values and click.
Map modules to servers page will be displayed. Select Apache Axis2 module and click Next.
You will be directed to the Map virtual hosts for Web modules page. Select Apache-axis2 web module and click Next.
You should see a Summary page similar to the one given below. Click 'Finish' to complete installing Axis2.war on WebSphere.

You will get 'Application axis2_war installed successfully.' message in the next page. Click on Save to persist changes directly to the master configuration.

Step 6

Now we have to start the installed Axis2.war. Click on Enterprise Applications link in the left navigation menu.

Select Axis2.war and click on Start button. You will see the axis2.war started successfully message as in the following image.

Step 7

Now open a browser and go to http://localhost:<port>/axis2
Axis2 welcome page will be displayed.

Step 8

Verify the status of installation. Click on 'Validate' link. You should see the following 'Axis2 Happiness' page.

That's all!. If you encounter any issues with deployment, please drop a mail


Bassa said…
Nice post.. It worked as explained in the steps. Was looking hard for such a step by step clear explanation. Thanks charitha!
AnneWeeza said…
hai...nice to meet u...
kindly need ur help...
im working manage portal using ibm websphere...
but now im facing a problem to update the left menu...
the coding is already delete but the pic that i dont want still there...can u help me?? tq

my email is
Unknown said…
Hi Charitha,

Good it helped me..How does it behave if we use the EAR File.

Do we need to select the Web Services option in the Deplyoment console..

Thanks for your help
Anonymous said…
Thanks you for the instructions. This is exactly what I was looking for.
Unknown said…
Nice but does not work with WebSphere 7
Unknown said…
@ Tom:

have you tried to change the classloader settings?

Set "Class loader order" to "Classes loaded with application class loader first"
"WAR class loader policy" to "Single class loader for application"

maybe this helps.
Charitha, Tom, please see information on Technotes for how to get Axis2 working on websphere 6.1 feature pack and websphere 7.0 here -
Unknown said…
This doesn't work with WAS 6.1 .
Access to a service : http://Myserver/axis2/services/Version cause a org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: The service cannot be found for the endpoint reference .
Any idea ?
Unknown said…
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said…
1. Is there any specific configuration that has to be done with Websphere 6.1 in the UDDI for the webservice to work?

2. How can i create an Axis2 web service without making it part of a webapp?
stoil said…
I'm trying to deploy axis2 1.4.1 following these steps but I got:
[6/29/09 14:25:59:675 EEST] 0000002d AxisServlet I
org.apache.axis2.transport.http.AxisServlet initConfigContext
[6/29/09 14:25:59:698 EEST] 0000002d servlet E init SRVE0100E: Uncaught
init() exception created by servlet AxisServlet in application
axis2_war: javax.servlet.ServletException:

is there something i can do to solve this problem?
Unknown said…
Does this work similarly with WebSphere Community Edition?
Unknown said…
Does Axis2 work on websphere 8?

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