
Showing posts from March, 2009

Automated testing of wso2 products using Selenium

I have never been a fan of open source UI test automation tools due to the annoying issues of majority of them. Most of the tools provides you with a good first user experience however fails when try to use in advanced use cases. At WSO2 , we have been looking for a test automation tool during the last few years. Due to the tight release schedules, we were not able to focus much on researches. At the end of 2008, WSO2 started to build its SOA product suite based on revolutionary Carbon platform and a new JSP based UI framework has been designed. When I got the initial builds of new WSO2 carbon products, I was curious about the possibility of automating user interface. I tried with one of the tools which we have tried once but never got a chance to continue working on. That is, Selenium ! For me, it is the best open source tool I have used so far in my career. After the releases of WSO2 carbon based products, we have started to automate UI and functional use cases using Selenium . We a...

Adding BPEL features to WSO2 WSAS/ESB

A few days back, WSO2 has released carbon feature packs which allow users to integrate various functional components into their existing WSO2 products. I blogged about plugging in service hosting components into ESB while we were preparing for carbon release. With the carbon feature packs, now it is much more easier to add the functionalities what you want. WSO2 BPS provides the facilities to execute business processes written using the WS-BPEL standard. BPEL feature pack enables the business process management inside your WSO2 WSAS or ESB instances. Let's see how BPEL features can be added to WSO2 WSAS or ESB. Pre-requisites: Install WSO2 WSAS-3.0.1 or WSO2 ESB-2.0.1 Step 1 We are hoping to install BPEL features into WSAS or ESB. Therefore, download BPEL feature pack from here . Step 2 Unzip the downloaded feature pack into a directory in your file system (suppose it is $BPEL_feature_pack_home) You will see two sub directoris inside the extracted zip file, plugins and repos...