How to configure persistent RM in WSO2 WSAS

WSO2 Web Services Application Server (WSAS) provides with a storage manager in which you can persist messages transmitted between RMS (reliable messaging source) and RMD (reliable messaging destination). By configuring persistent RM, you can prevent messages loses even if the server is down. This post guides you through the steps to configure persistent RM in the latest versions of WSO2 WSAS (WSAS-3.*). I assume you have a basic understanding about WS-RM, if not, please read first. Pre-requisites Download and install WSO2 WSAS-3.1.1 Persistent implementation of WS-RM will be supported in most of the popular DBMSs. However, I will use MySQL server 5.* in this demonstration. Therefore, install and configure MySQL. Step 1 As the first step, we need to create the persistent storage which is going to be used in reliable message transmission. Lets create a data base and the necessary table as follows. mysql>create database SANDESH...