Run time code coverage using Emma
Emma is a free java code coverage tool which measures and reports code coverage of java based products. The most important and usable factor of Emma is, its ability to measure code coverage during the application runtime. At WSO2, we have been searching for a tool to get QA test coverage of our middleware products. Automated QA tests are executed against the binary products. Therefore, source level unit test coverage does not help to identify the figures of QA test coverage. Emma was the best tool which satisfied our requirements. The procedure is quite simple. Suppose you are going to get the coverage of a binary which obviously contains hundred of jars. First, you need to prepare a list of jars which requires to be instrumented. The list can be prepared easily in *nix environments as follows. xargs -n 1 $JAVA_HOME/jre/bin/java -cp emma.jar emma instr -m overwrite -cp < jarlist.txt This inserts tracking code to the jars listed in jarlist.txt. Now, you should restart your applicatio