Build your own server using WSO2 Carbon components
Building a customized server with a set of components downloading from a public repository ... It is no longer a hard and complex task. Now you can build your own version of WSO2 carbon platform using its Equinox P2 based provisioning capabilities. This post guide you through the steps to build your own server platform using WSO2 carbon-2.0.0. Pre-requisites: Download the latest version of WSO2 Carbon server. WSO2 Carbon is the base platform on which we build our customized server. Step 1 Start carbon server with osgiConsole so that we can issue commands to manage OSGI framework. cd CARBON_HOME/bin (CARBON_HOME is the location where you unzipped wso2server.bat -DosgiConsole Step 2 Next, we need to specify artifact and metadata repositories from which we download several features and their metadata. In the osgi console, issue the following commands. osgi>provaddrepo osgi>provaddartifactrepo