
Showing posts from May, 2013

The simplest possible way to simulate a backend service delay

When testing service integrations, we usually want to simulate the delayed responses from backend web services. For example, if you want to test how WSO2 ESB or Apache Synapse reacts when the backend service takes large amount of time for responding, there are many approaches to introduce delay to backend web service. I have observed that, most of the people modify the backend web services to add Thread.sleep() when they need to introduce a delay in service invocation. If you are not testing the backend web service and just want to test the integration (e.g:- outgoing calls from ESB), I cannot think of a better solution than using soapUI mock services. Step 1   Add a new mock service to soapUI project. This can be done at the time of creating the project or by selecting a particular interface (binding) of a wsdl based project. Step 2   Select the mock service in soapUI navigator and open the mock service editor. In the mock service editor, select OnRequest s...

Testing one-way operations which do not return HTTP 202 responses

When you invoke a one-way (in-Only) operation of a web service over HTTP, it responds with HTTP 202 accepted message. Many web service clients such as soapUI or Jmeter waits till they receive a response from the web service. Waiting for HTTP 202 response is always not desirable since there are situations where you do not even get a 202 response. For example, if you invoke one-way JMS operation, it does not send a reply back to the client. Look at a scenario similar to the following. A client sends a message over HTTP to a proxy service in WSO2 ESB . The proxy service places the message in a JMS queue and does not expect a response back. In this case, client does not even get a HTTP 202 response hence it waits and eventually timed out. This prevents you using the tools like soapUI , Apache Jmeter in these scenarios. How can we fix this so that the client always get a HTTP 202 response back? Let's go through the procedure in detail. Step 1: Configure Apache ActiveMQ JMS ...