Axis2 java2wsdl maven plugin

I demonstrated the usage of Maven2 WSDL2Code plugin in a previous post. Apache Axis2 provides with a Java2WSDL maven2 plugin as well. Maven2 Java2Wsdl plugin can be used to generate WSDL from a java class. The following steps will help you to create a wsdl from a java class using Axis2 java2wsdl maven plugin.

Step 1
Create a mavan project (See step 1 of ).
Create a java class in the source directory of your maven project. (i.e:- Create class at \src\main\java\com\test directory)

Step 2

Update the pom.xml of your maven project as follows.

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""


Note the highlighted elements in the above pom. First we added a new <plugin> to use java2wsdl goal. This goal accepts a set of parameters as explained in Axis2 online documentation.
In this example we used the simplest configuration parameter, <className>, which defines the fully qualified name of class from which the WSDL is generated.

Also, make sure to add a dependency to Axis2 jars in your pom.xml.

Step 3

Go to the root directory of your project structure and run the following command.

mvn clean axis2-java2wsdl:java2wsdl

You could find the generated wsdl at target\generated-resources\java2wsdl\ directory.


joefitz said…
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Carlo.LF said…
Hi Charita,

I tried the tool with my own class and ran into an IO error complaining about an invalid syntax for file creation. This is the output when running maven with the -X flag:


These will use the artifact files already in the core ClassRealm instead, to all
ow them to be included in PluginDescriptor.getArtifacts().

[DEBUG] Configuring mojo 'org.apache.axis2.maven2:axis2-java2wsdl-maven-plugin:1
.1:java2wsdl' -->
[DEBUG] (f) className =
[DEBUG] (f) outputFileName = D:\Java\Projekte\lhw-favorit\LHW\trunk\FAV LHW ws
[DEBUG] (f) project = MavenProject: favlhw:favlhwws-service:0.2 @ D:\Java\Proj
ekte\lhw-favorit\LHW\trunk\FAV LHW ws services\pom.xml
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --
[INFO] [axis2-java2wsdl:java2wsdl]
java.lang.Exception: Die Syntax f³r den Dateinamen, Verzeic
hnisnamen oder die Datentrõgerbezeichnung ist falsch

As I can see, the path of the file to be created is not a valid Windows path (D:\Java\Proj
ekte\lhw-favorit\LHW\trunk\FAV LHW ws services\pom.xml)

What can I do to change this?
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Dawei Jin said…
Thanks man it worked, but only after I changed version number to 1.3

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